How To Start Eating Healthier
My daily lunch during middle and high school was pizza or fries with a can of coke. In college, I ate occasional fries and no coke – I had developed my acidity issues back then – but you would…
The Billowing Curtain and the Hospital Bed
This week I learned what it is like to be on this side of the curtain. Do you remember from Harry Potter when Sirius Black is killed in battle? He plunges back into a curtain and does not come…
Download: Period Tracker
There are numerous sounds coming from outside of the house as our plumber deals with the emergency situation in the SL household. A rush to the bathroom in the early hours of the morning alerted me to the fact…
How To Get Through A Bad Day
If you have been following my posts on Instagram, then you may know that I am dealing with a sort of a relapse with the Hashimoto symptoms. Since the beginning of January, I have had more bad days than…
Dear Auntie, I Really Do Have An Illness
Recently I was involuntarily involved in a conversation that went a little something like this: Auntie: What is wrong? Are you alright? Me: Oh, I just ate something off last night and it didn’t effect me very well. I’m…
2017 – Ten Things I Learned this Year
You know how they say that 30’s are the new 20’s? Well, I don’t want it to be so. I enjoyed my 30th year on this planet. In contrast, my 20’s were spent searching for who I was while…