S1: Episode 2
In this episode, we discussed pages 15 – 26 of The Refinement of Souls by Imam Ibn Ata’Allah al-Sakandari. We made some changes in the format and introduced categories into our sessions. Our self-made categories are meant to guide the discussion based on the topics mentioned in the book. Check out the quotes below that we mentioned within each category.
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What a world of difference there is between felicitous people and wretched people! When felicitous people see a person committing acts of disobedience to Allah, they outwardly condemn him, while privately praying for him.
The refinement of souls, pg. 15
On Envy:
- “…you are occupied with what you have not been given.” Pg. 15
- What a world of difference there is between felicitous people and wretched people! When felicitous people see a person committing acts of disobedience to Allah, they outwardly condemn him, while privately praying for him. – pg 15
On Self-Rectification:
- If you see in yourself apathy [to obedience], base desires, and obliviousness, then [know that] these are attributes from yourself. But if you see in yourself remorse, humility, and abstinence, then these are from the workings of Allah. – pg. 17
- “A real man is not someone who screams amongst people in gatherings; rather, a real man is only he who screams over his self and steers it back to Allah.” Pg. 19
- Whoever is concerned with this world and not bothered about the Hereafter is like someone to whom a lion approaches for the kill, and then a flea comes and bites him, and so he becomes distracted with the flea from paying any attention to the lion. pg. 20
- Have you ever seen a lover who does not wish to meet his beloved? Whoever wants to know what his reality is with Allah, and see his standing with Him, then let him look at his prayer: it is either with calmness and humility or with heedlessness and haste. – pg. 23
- Nothing repels the descent of divine succour like pride. Rain only settles on shallow lands, not on mountain peaks. pg. 18
- Do not think that the unfortunate person is someone who is a war captive or a prisoner. On the contrary, the truly unfortunate person is someone who disobeys Allah and brings into this pure kingdom the filth of disobedience. pg. 19
- Allah’s proximity is not accessible to those defiled by the inpurity of disobedience. So purify your heart from blemishes, and the door tot he unseen shall open up for you. – pg. 21
On Hardships and Trials and Rizq:
- How many states are hidden in you! When trials and tribulations befall, they are revealed. The most sinful of them is doubt about Allah; and doubt about one’s provisions is in reality a doubt about the Provider (Himself). – pg. 24
- O Slave of Allah, if you are to ask Allah [for something]. then ask Him to better you in all respects, and that He betters you so that you become content with Him planning your affairs for you. – pg. 25
- Moreover you are a fugitive slave. He asked you to cross over to Him, but [instead] you Feld from Him; since fleeing manifests through deeds, states and aspirations. Hence, if you are unmindful in your prayer, speaking gibberish during your fast, or complaining about Allah’s kindness, are you not then a fugitive?- pg. 25
On Good Company:
- (on finding the right people) “If you had searched with sincerity, then you would have found [them]. The reason for you not finding them [i.e. the people of the Hereafter] is your lack of preparation. – pg. 26
- If only you were to treat your self like your coat: whenever it gets dirty, you wash it, and whenever anything of it rips, you mend and fix it; then you would be felicitious. – pg. 26
- Shaykh Abul Hasan Al-Shadhili said, “The friends of Allah are like brides and brides are not seen by criminals.” – pg. 27
O Slave of Allah, if you are to ask Allah [for something]. then ask Him to better you in all respects, and that He betters you so that you become content with Him planning your affairs for you.
the refinement of souls, pg. 25
What is your takeaway from this section? Share with us in the comments below.
We hope that this episode gives you motivation to overcome your own self and chase spiritual growth.
-Kalimah Book Club Team
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