Ramadan Prep 2020
Ramadan 2020 is just few days away! At times, I am nervous that it is coming during the pandemic and other times, which is most of them to be honest, I am feeling relieved. The anxieties, worries, fears, uncertainties have a unique capability of draining us in all aspects when they should be doing the opposite. The tests are here so that we can become stronger and enhance our relationship with Our Creator. So it is as if this month is coming to remind us exactly of that. I am grateful, alhumdulillah, for being able to write these words and prepare for its arrival.
As I do every year, this year was no different in planning for the blessed month, insha'Allah. Let me share with you my ramadan prep so far.
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Ramadan is the month of the Qur'an. As Allah ﷻ says in the Qur'an, 2:185:
"Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was revealed as a guide for humanity with clear proofs of guidance and the standard to distinguish between right and wrong."
We have to work on understanding that guide and it is with that intention that I am going to be working on amplifying my relationship with it during the month. Insha'Allah I will be attempting to read the entire Qur'an which is different from my last year's goal where I had to take a huge step back due to my health.
Now that my health has improved - alhumdulillah! - I am looking forward to really diving into working on my spirituality during this month and doing a khatm of the Qur'an.
If you have been a friend of Sunnah Living for a while, then you know I love to read an islamic text during Ramadan. It was difficult for me to pick a book this year as I really wanted the book to focus heavily on the Qur'an and there just is not that much available in English. It then occurred to me to read the tafseer! I have not properly read a translation or a tafseer of the Qur'an which is a huge disservice, in my opinion. Insha'Allah during this month, I will be focusing on surah Baqarah, reading its translation using "The Clear Qur'an" which was gifted by an instagram friend.
Additionally, I am still waiting for the tafseer to come in the mail from Mecca Books. "Contemplating the Qur'an" is a thematic tafseer which I will be relying on as an aid in understanding Surah Baqarah further.
This year is going to be very special for another reason. Me and my husband have decided to embark on the seerah journey together after the local imam recommended a book that he loves. "Sacrifice, the legacy of our beloved Prophet ﷺ" is a collection of difficult events during the life of the Prophet Muhammad's ﷺ. We are probably not going to be able to finish this book during Ramadan due to my husband's schedule but I am looking forward to us reading it together during his days off, insha'Allah.
This is one of my favorite bits about Ramadan prep - the actual planning! With my 2020 planner being as amazing as it is for me, I decided to take out all of the decor out of the boxes and give it some extra loving. I sat down one evening and took a few hours being in a creative zone. It was so much fun! That creative outlet helped me to pass the time joyously while preparing my heart and mind for the blessed days ahead. If you have not thought about this before, I encourage you to take your planner out and do something extra with it for Ramadan. However little you can do, do it with intention and joy.
In my planner, I made room for weekly dua and intention as well as a reflection to see what is working and what isn't. In addition to the weekly reflections, I always do a master reflection for the entire month towards the end where I look through the entire month to evaluate the successes, failures and the takeaways. Also, I have a to-do list for the week in which I will write down the pages that I need to read, things I need to listen to, and everything related to my Ramadan goals to keep me in check.
I made a YouTube video taking you through the planner which I hope you will find inspirational and useful insha'Allah:
No Ramadan planning is complete without additional support. Well, that is the case for me anyway. I always like to have access to listening material that coincide with my reading goals and this year, with my goal being the tafseer of Surah Baqarah, it was challenging to find a resource for that due to its length. I did come across these videos which I am looking forward to benefiting from. Although the series is not complete, I can see myself listening to it while I do things around the house using as much time to m benefit as I can and hopefully I will find additional resources as I progress in my journey, insha'Allah.
Additionally, I was graciously invited to be a part of The Purposeful Ramadan Program by Coach Ola. I have already started with week one and I am enjoying how it all begins with the mindset with tangible goals that we can make to prepare for Ramadan. This program is ongoing throughout the month and you can sign up for it on a weekly basis, if that is what you prefer, or get the entire package deal in one go. I am looking forward to going through the program and adding another layer of benefit and growth during Ramadan.
This officially captures all of my plans for Ramadan 2020! I am so very excited to get going and actively working towards my relationship with Allah ﷻ and His Book during this month. I am also thrilled to be sharing this with you yet again and hopefully helping you in making your own plans this year.
May Allah make this Ramadan be one of benefit to us, in ways of growth in this life and the next. May He accept our intentions and our deeds in preparation of it and those during it. May He allow it to soften our hearts and develop a better relationship with Him. May He forgive us in it and grant us all Jannatul Firduas. May He give shifa to those suffering with the virus and bring comfort into the hearts of their family members. May He grant martyrdom to those who have passed and will pass away with the disease. May He bring us all closer together as an Ummah and unite us under the shade of His Mercy on the Day of Judgement.

Assalam alaikum! Ramadan Mubarak! I came across your blog in a search for resources on adhakar. Thank you for the very helpful PDF of the morning/ night suggestions. 🙂
I see that you plan to focus on Surah Baqarah. One resource you may be interested in is the Qalam Institute’s ongoing Tafsir on this surah. It is not complete – I’m not sure if it’s continuing for Ramadan or on pause. It is available through the Qalam podcast and I think there’s an app too. May you have a fruitful Quranic study! 🙂
Wa Alaikumussalam and Ramadan Mubarik to you as well! You’re very welcome. ☀️
JazakAllah kheir for the Qalam Poscast tip! I had forgotten about that even as I recent heart shaykh Abdulnasir go over a couple of ayat on Tuesday’s. I think he was in the 60’s, so yes there’s definitely a lot more to go. Thank you!