Oh the papers!
One thing that has plagued our sense of peace were the mounds of papers. I remember when I came to my husband’s home after being married, he had a special place where all of the important papers were kept. Let me emphasize “special place.” That place was an accordion file folder where all of the papers were contained – or so I thought. It was not that while later where I learned that tax papers, work papers, health papers and everything that a home functions with were also shoved in nooks and crannies inside the home. It is only fair, though, to mention that I had not learned a thing while growing up either. I had never had to manage important papers. The only ones cluttering my bedroom were essays, books, and assignments. College life had taught to be a good student but not too much on the organizing department.
So I got to work and found an amazing resource under the name of A Bowl Full of Lemons. This blog changed the way I looked at paper clutter and eventually lead me to on a journey of organized living. I am sure that you will find this website just as useful as I did, if not more. Here is how I applied what I learned: