December ’19 Happenings
December 2019 was a month with much welcomed events. Being the last month of 2019, it was also a month of reflection and introspection. I do find it strange that normally I do not give that much precedence to the ending of the year yet this time it felt like I needed to sit and turn the pages of the year, to ponder deeply and go through the waves of emotions through each recollected event of the year.
Here are some of my favorite happenings of the month of December.
1. Took the First and Only Trip of 2019
With all of the financial and physical burdens that we wrestled with throughout this year, Washington D.C. became the one and only trip of 2019. I was able to spend two weekends with Hamza as he had those off from his work there and it became a retreat. Cats were cared for by a paid cat sitter for the first time and I felt no guilt in having someone take care of them. Normally, my friends have been gracious to do it and it always made me feel a pang of guilt with having to bother them. Alhumdulillah this ease was one of many that was well needed. Perhaps it was the first trip away from our new home after the move that made it such a special trip. Regardless, we got to spend a lot of time together, let the hotel staff take care of cleanliness, and exhaust ourselves in walking and exploring the very historically and politically charged city of Washington D.C.
As of posting this post, the vlog for the trip has not gone live but I am very proud of how it turned out! This link here will go live once it is on YouTube.
2. Met Insta-Friends
My early, early first hour in D.C. was spent wandering around the airport, waiting for the most unexpected and exciting happening of the month: Meeting friends through instagram. Ola and Shahin were exceptional hosts and they welcomed me with open arms in the freezing, cold, what-was-budding-winter-to-them in D.C. I was bundled in all sorts of ways like a true desert dweller as we walked around and explored the little walkable areas of the nearby city. I learned of the confusing way the area is known as DMV (Detroit, Michigan and Virginia), marveled the D.C. obsession with brunches, visited the largest Barnes and Nobles store that I have seen, and had a heart to heart conversation with my two new, real-life friends. At the end of it, I felt motivated, inspired, lifted and supported. Alhumdulillah for such a friendship.
3. Did my First Hijama
Ever since I have been diagnosed with Hashimoto's, there have been multiple people who suggested for me to do a hijama (cupping) therapy. Due to some logistics, I was never able to do so. Then, Allah ﷻ arranged for me to do just that. You guys, it felt like everything fell into place at just the right time because the hijama was one step through a door that offered so many opportunities. Alhumdulillah. I went to this practitioner in Virginia who I was told followed the sunnah practices. I entered without much knowledge and left feeling like it was not as bad as I had imagined it to be. Hamza also did the therapy.
Just about two days later, I begin to feel this certain sense of... freedom in my body. I felt like I was lighter, with clarity, and a renewed sense of being. Later, me and Hamza had a conversation about it and he felt the same way! SubhanAllah, the only preparation we did was to work on our intentions. It really was a game changer. I hope to find someone close by who does it soon, insha'Allah.
4. Launched Sunnah Living
After hijama, something seemed to have lifted inside of me and in front of me that suddenly I felt so motivated and inspired to take my casual blogging to the next level. I feel that the main reason is Allah's ﷻ planning of me meeting Ola and Shahin who helped me find a purpose for my online existence and following. Soon, I was planning and drafting my plans on how I can make Sunnah Living a beneficial destination and offer value to everyone who saw something in me to click that "follow" button on instagram and YouTube.
I felt like a fire was lit inside of me! I launched the "2019 Reflections" e-journal and my mind has been racing about the possibilities since then. There is a lot to be learned in the blogging journey but the beginning has been enchanting.
December reminded me of the loving planning of My Creator ﷻ. The entire month felt like a dream in which everything was laid out so perfectly that I could not believe in its reality. Every single step felt like it was laid out for me and honestly, I feel so incapable of even offering the gratitude that it deserves. Alhumdulillah thumma alhumdulillah.
With that last one on the list, I hope to be able to share with you so much more of that which brings you closer to Him ﷻ. JazakAllah kheir for reading this post and for being such an amazing supporter and friend of Sunnah Living. Let's Live Simply and Grow Spiritually, together.

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